Flower Remedy | Kids Goody Gumdrops

Alexis Smart

Flower Remedy | Kids Goody Gumdrops


AlexIs Smart

flower remedy | goody gumdrops 

flower remedies use the emotional component of plant medicine to safely assist our bodys organic response to the outside environment by restoring balance to the nervous system

during times where kids with strong characters become overwhelmed with their own emotions, guide them through it with a few drops. show them how to take moments to honour their feelings and create special ritual and safe space. show them a loving way to process their own emotions

if kids feel: anger, tantrums, fighting with siblings, fussy/demanding, bossy, jealous

benefits: loving/generous, easygoing attitude, gets along with others, cooperative, satisfied, feels secure and loved

directions for use4 drops, 4 times a day under the tongue
1 bottle is a 1 month supply if taken as directed
*may be taken more frequently as needed

*Alcohol-free in a pleasant tasting vegetable glycerine base. Safe for infants.

how to choose: pick the flower remedy that most relates to your feelings and emotional state overall, at the moment

ingredients: Organic vegetable glycerine, spring water and a proprietary blend of organic, wild-harvested *bach flower essences.

Unit price per